About Us

Our Church History
Immediately prior to the entry of the United States into World War I, the Russian residents of Elizabeth became increasingly aware of the need for a Russian Orthodox Church in their city. These recent immigrants were devout members of their Church.
In 1916, after several years of traveling as far as New York City for regular church services, the group decided their numbers were great enough to warrant the formation of a Russian Orthodox Church in their city.
The Growth of Our Church
The first pastor, Fr. Varchol, held services at several locations until 1918 when the parishioners purchased a former German Presbyterian Church at Third and Livingston Streets. This location was ideal as a majority of the parishioners resided in the immediate vicinity.
From the very beginning, the societies of Ss. Boris & Gleb, Ss. Peter & Paul Mutual Aid Society, and the St. Mary Sisterhood contributed much to the steady growth of the parish. In 1941, the Elizabeth Russian Junior League, Chapter 132, of the F.R.O.C. was organized. The Altar Guild was established in 1949.
Building a New Church
Through the years, the energetic parishioners maintained and updated their facilities. In 1957, it became clear that a new church was needed, and a Building Fund program was established. In October 1961, property was purchased across town on Stiles Street, and actual construction began in April 1966.
The church was consecrated on May 21, 1967, by Metropolitan John, Patriarchal Exarch of North and South America and the Aleutian Islands. That same year, Fr. Emil Minkovich arrived in October after graduating from Christ the Saviour Seminary.
Continued Growth and Community
The year 1985 marked the burning of the church mortgage and the planning of a new parish Activity Center. Over time, we outgrew the original building, and in 1987, a new facility was built, including an auditorium, Sunday School rooms, a professional kitchen, an office for the pastor, and an apartment for the sexton.
In 1987, Fr. Emil Minkovich was elevated to the rank of Mitered Archpriest.
We are now serving a fourth generation of parishioners. The parish, originally founded to serve Russian immigrants in Elizabeth, now welcomes Orthodox Christians from throughout central New Jersey, as well as recent immigrants from Russia. Our church choir provides musical inspiration, and the Sunday School ensures religious education for young parishioners.
Honoring Our Legacy
In 1992, a Silver Anniversary celebration took place in honor of Fr. Emil Minkovich, our longest-serving pastor.